Welcome to Immanis Mastiffs

My name is Chris Flores and I am from New Orleans, Louisiana where I live part time with my family and my dogs. We also live in Northern Mississippi on 122 acres of beautiful land surrounded by the Holly Springs National Forest.

I own and operate Proficient Pest Control, a termite and pest control company that services Louisiana and Mississippi. My business and great staff afford me the time to indulge in one of my great passions which is the preservation of the Old English Mastiff.

I have been involved with Mastiffs since 1994 when I bought my first pair and have been a lover of the breed ever since. I am a member of the Mastiff Preservation Movement and my goal is to preserve, protect and improve Old English Mastiffs with selective breeding through their standard; stout, proportionate and well moving. 

English Mastiff puppies - bred by Immanis Mastiffs New Orleans, Louisiana

The preservation movement is a group of breeders that is dedicated to preserving the Old English Mastiff type. We have a commitment to line breeding with the use of carefully selected lines in the US that are strongly influenced by English type, along with imports from the UK.

I hope you enjoy this website and if you have any questions please feel free to call me any time to talk about the English Mastiff.